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Red Rainbow Coalition - First Meeting

  • The People's Forum 320 West 37th Street New York, NY, 10018 United States (map)

July 22 will be the first meeting of a new coalition that members of the Religious Socialism and Feminist Socialists working groups have been organizing, called the Red Rainbow Coalition!

Part of the goal of this coalition is to strategically counter recent attacks on reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights, many of which are in part fueled by religious fundamentalism in this country. To do so, we may be calling on comrades in our religious communities to come to our aid. And of course, we need as many of our religious socialist comrades as possible to join us in the fight—for bodily autonomy, inclusion, reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights.

The second aim of our group is to improve our organizing skills. To accomplish this, we have enlisted the help of an outside organizer-educator who will act as a mentor throughout this process, providing us with the feedback we will need to run an effective campaign. The right is highly organized, and we know that we must out-organize if we're going to win!

On Saturday, July 22 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, we will be holding a combined meeting/workshop to plan the organization's first campaign and discuss the logistics. We will spend some of the meeting reading, discussing the readings in small groups, and asking and answering questions about our future internal structure.

At the meeting, we also hope to recruit members from more of DSA's identity-based working groups to broaden the scope of our coalition.

Is the Red Rainbow Coalition right for you?

• Have you noticed a struggle with organization and action in DSA identity-based working groups?

• Do you feel you’d benefit from more training on organizing skills on both the individual and group level?

• Do you seek more intersectional action from DSA groups?

• Do you want to be a part of action within DSA regarding reproductive justice and trans liberation?

• Are you looking to be part of a new coalition focused on collaboration and action?

We will have subcommittees on training, research, logistics, and outreach. If you’re interested in attending, please put some thought into which subcommittee best aligns with your passions and skills.

Leaders lead people, but organizers organize organizations, as the Midwest Academy writes!

Saturday, July 22 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
The People's Forum, 320 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018

A zoom link will also be provided for those who RSVP

May 8

An Evening with Joerg Rieger

August 26

Red Rainbow Coalition-building Happy Hour