Upcoming events

We hold general meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (with exceptions) and also host panels, workshops and study groups.

Organizing committee meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Feel free to join us at an OC meeting if you’re interested. You don’t have to be in working group leadership to attend!

Email religious.socialism@socialists.nyc for more information about any event.

Red Rainbow Coalition-building Happy Hour

Red Rainbow Coalition-building Happy Hour

In lieu of our originally planned August meeting, the Red Rainbow Coalition is hosting a coalition-building happy hour on Saturday, August 26th from 5-9PM! We're following up our kick-off meeting with a social hour to get to know each other better as we work to shape the Red Rainbow Coalition.

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Religion?! In My Feminism?: A Reproductive Justice Conversation

Religion?! In My Feminism?: A Reproductive Justice Conversation

This is your invitation to join the NYC-Socialist Feminists and Religious Socialists for a four-part conversation on reproductive rights from perspectives of religion and feminism. We will be learning about the radical principles of reproductive justice and then critically applying those principles to a discussion on reproductive rights as portrayed in several religious traditions.

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Karaoke Fundraiser for Asylum-Seeking Migrants @ Judson Memorial Church’s Radical Hope Mutual Aid Center

Karaoke Fundraiser for Asylum-Seeking Migrants @ Judson Memorial Church’s Radical Hope Mutual Aid Center

Since this summer, thousands of asylum-seeking people have been arriving in NYC every week. Judson Memorial Church, an LGBTQ+-positive church in the Village, is hosting the Radical Hope Mutual Aid Center. Please join NYC-DSA's Queer Caucus and Religious Socialism Working Group for a karaoke fundraiser for Judson Memorial Church's Radical Hope Mutual Aid Center!

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September Abortion Rights Subcommittee Meeting

September Abortion Rights Subcommittee Meeting

With Roe v. Wade overturned, we as religious socialists again have a responsibility to act. The questions we face are enormous — what should we do?

What is our particular role in this fight, as religious people? What spiritual and ideological tools, what sources of people power do we have access to that the non-religious people that we fight alongside do not? What special resources do we have access to as members of DSA, the most powerful socialist organization in the United States in many decades? What skills and connections can we bring to the table as artists, as intellectuals, as spiritual people, as members of a religious congregation, as residents of New York City? How can we wage this fight in a way that is sustainable, that won’t fizzle out when we are faced with the push-back and frustrations that we are bound to face in the coming years?

Please email at religious.socialism@socialists.nyc us to learn more about the work that we are doing in our Abortion Rights Subcommittee.

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Labor Day Weekend BBQ

Labor Day Weekend BBQ

This is your official invitation to join us at our end-of-summer BBQ event on Sunday, September 4 at Dan's place in Bushwick.

Event info:

Sunday, September 4 from 3pm-10pm
Register below for address
Bring something you'd like to eat!

This event will be a celebration of Labor Day and our hard work on our various initiatives. It will also be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better—especially those of us who are new to the group.

This is a potluck style event, so please bring anything you'd like to eat or drink. We have a grill, so foods that require grilling are welcome! You should also feel free to bring along anyone you know who has a passion for religion, socialism, or both.

Please take a moment register for this event so we can estimate how many people will be there. We're really excited to meet you all in person — hope to see you there!

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July Reading Group Meeting

July Reading Group Meeting

Our third reading group meeting of 2022 will be held on Thursday, July 21, from 7-8pm, via Google Meet! We'll be discussing Chapters 10-14 of Religious Socialism: Faith in Action for a Better World.

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